The Medallion

We were commissioned to make ten 4 inch diameter medallions commemorating Pan Am’s first trans-Pacific mail flight. Our ‘master’ was built from a variety of materials and was based on the design of the US postal Service’s cancellation stamp from that first airmail shipment. The master was made as large as a dinner-plate and was reduced on a pantograph engraving tool by Jurgen at Frank Bonigut Engraving, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The final bronze castings were presented to generous donors to the San Francisco Aeronautical Society. Here’s a close-up: the billows... Read The Rest →

VISA GOLF November 2004 This shot helped with the choice of size for the Propellor We arranged to have a supply of pressurized air travel out of the golf-ball around the drive-shaft . . . the resulting bubbles made for a more energetic display. And here’s the effect before the whole rig was turned sideways for the final shot.